

A Focus on Quality Assurance

LABExpress Joins RCPA Quality Assurance Program

The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Quality Assurance Programs are world leaders in the provision of external quality assurance (EQA) for pathology laboratories.

RCPAQAP offers a comprehensive range of EQA for all disciplines of pathology including Molecular Genetics, Biosecurity and Point-of-Care. Its programs are offered in Australia and internationally in over 80 countries. RCPAQAP is committed to providing an efficient and customer-focused service to participants.

LABExpress Medical Diagnostics has been a participant to RCPAQAP for the second year in a row. LABExpress was able to complete all the parameters of its program composed of over 180 clinical specimens from February 2022 to November 2023.

Our software and hardware drive the speed at which we provide the service. Our people and process drive the accuracy of our results. Systems are not perfect and it is up to our people to detect inconsistencies – subsequently engaging the client to form an intelligent solution. 

This certification brings LABExpress at par with leading Medical Laboratories in the Australasia, Europe and North America.